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What is ASEA?

Redox Signaling Molecules are made inside your cells and are foundational to ALL cellular health. As you get older you begin to make less of these vital molecules and as a result your cells don’t work as well as they used to! ASEA is trillions of stable, perfectly balanced Redox Signaling Molecules suspended in a pristine saline solution- the first and only of it’s kind.
16 years of groundbreaking scientific research has gone into this product.
What are ReDox Signaling Molecules?
ReDox |'rë•dôks| - a process in which one substance or molecule is reduced and another oxidized; oxidation and reduction considered together as complimentary processes: redox reactions involve electron transfer. ReDox Signaling Molecules are also called reactive molecules.
At a cellular level, the body produces two different types of redox signaling (reactive) molecules. These redox signaling molecules are created naturally in the body during the metabolism of sugar that produces ATP, the body's primary source of energy. But recent science (mostly within the last decade) has been finding that these molecules do much more!
ReDox signaling molecules support virtually all of the functions of the immune system and tissue regeneration response.
The human body is constantly working to maintain cellular health by balancing these redox signaling molecules to rid the body of harmful components and to clean up the oxidative stress and free radical damage that occurs at the cellular level. When these reactive molecules are in the proper balance, the immune system and healing process function at their optimal level.
ASEA is the only stable, perfectly balanced mixture of reactive molecules that exist outside of the body.
16 years of groundbreaking scientific research has gone into this product.
What are ReDox Signaling Molecules?
ReDox |'rë•dôks| - a process in which one substance or molecule is reduced and another oxidized; oxidation and reduction considered together as complimentary processes: redox reactions involve electron transfer. ReDox Signaling Molecules are also called reactive molecules.
At a cellular level, the body produces two different types of redox signaling (reactive) molecules. These redox signaling molecules are created naturally in the body during the metabolism of sugar that produces ATP, the body's primary source of energy. But recent science (mostly within the last decade) has been finding that these molecules do much more!
ReDox signaling molecules support virtually all of the functions of the immune system and tissue regeneration response.
The human body is constantly working to maintain cellular health by balancing these redox signaling molecules to rid the body of harmful components and to clean up the oxidative stress and free radical damage that occurs at the cellular level. When these reactive molecules are in the proper balance, the immune system and healing process function at their optimal level.
ASEA is the only stable, perfectly balanced mixture of reactive molecules that exist outside of the body.